Candidate Registration

Mobile No*   
Confirm E-mail*   
Security Question*    
Security Answer*    
Confirm Password*   

Welcome Guest!

Department of Horticulture Welcomes you.

To apply for different posts on our portal, you need to register yourself.

Please enter the following information while registering:
Name: Please enter your full name.
Mobile No. Please enter your ten digit mobile no.
E-Mail: Please enter your e-mail address. Remember that a confirmation of account will be sent to your entered e-mail. Only after confirmation of account, user can login. Your e-mail will also act as your username.
Password: Please enter a unique password. Your password can be eight to fifteen digits long and will be case sensitive.
Confirm Password: Please re-enter the above entered password.

After filling the details and verifying the account you will be able to use this portal.